Cat Mahari’s _Blk Ark: The Impossible Manifestation_ Readies Us For A Way Forward: a response by J’Sun Howard
J’Sun Howard responds to Cat Mahari’s work-in-progress presented in Steppenwolf’s LookOut Series through work around, curated by Kara Brody & Amanda Maraist.
Passed through lineages, in lands far and near: a response by Sarah Stearn
Sarah Stearn responds to Tuli Bera’s work-in-progress presented in Steppenwolf’s LookOut Series through work around, curated by Kara Brody & Amanda Maraist.
Bearing Up, Spiraling Down: a response by Carole McCurdy
Carole McCurdy responds to Drew Lewis’s new work presented in Steppenwolf’s LookOut Series through work around, curated by Kara Brody & Amanda Maraist.
LOOK OUT//WORK AROUND: artistic reflections with Cat Mahari, Tuli Bera, and Drew Lewis by Courtney Mackedanz
Courtney Mackedanz reflects with the artists featured in Kara Brody & Amanda Maraist’s work around series as a part of Steppenwolf’s LookOut Series.
and they love: a response by J’Sun Howard
J’Sun Howard responds to Tuli Bera’s new work presented in Steppenwolf’s LookOut Series through work around, curated by Kara Brody & Amanda Maraist.