Exorcizing the impossible: a response by Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen


A response to Impossible Dances by BADco.

In>Time Performance Festival: Nature Theater of Oblivia and Impossible Dances, BADco.

Friday, February 22nd, 7:00pm, Links Hall *

images by Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen


I often draw as part of my own research or process towards a performance, installation or whatever other interdisciplinary feat I am trying to achieve. Drawing, seeing, and moving are closely tied together for me. I have therefore been playing with the flipping around of these processes. Drawing and sketching my gut reaction to other artist´s as they are performing a piece that is ready for an audience.

This is the fourth of several performance responses. An action or a re-action. An attempt at a direct bodily response that connects the muscle reaction: the eye seeing, the mind deciding, hand moving, the pen moving, also the smile from the performer that realizes that they are being documented in this unforeseen way that is not a camera, but an intimate and densely focused audience experience. Then later the re-revisiting of the responses at home.  Adding color to them, jolting the memory—was the shirt black or brown? What did I miss in the moments when I was flipping the page over? A last confrontation with the uncovered, an attempt at re-thinking and reliving and reenacting. Did I get it right? In the end a relief in the freedom of my interpretation.



Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen is a Danish artist based between in Chicago. She graduated Cum Laude from Audio Visual Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam (NL) with a piece awarded the Berlagde Fund and the GRA Award. In the spring of 2018, Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen graduated with her Masters in Fine Arts within the Performance department at SAIC, with a work made in collaboration with Margaux Parillaud, her collaborator under the common name: Considered to be Allies. Her/their Exhibitions include: Deborah Bowman in Brussels, Links Hall in Chicago, De Vleeshal in Middelburg, Charlottenborg Kunsthal in Copenhagen, and the Lithium Gallery in Chicago.

(*) PRJ is partnering with Links Hall to celebrate their 40th anniversary by providing a platform for artist-to-artist responses to the work that is presented as part of the Pay-the-40th-Forward season. Thank you, Links Hall, for all that you do for the dance and performance communities in Chicago. Congratulations on 40 years!


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